Fernando Monteiro

Hecolcap/ I3S

Bilateral Meetings

  • Monday 14:30 - 18:00
DescriptionHecolcap- HECOLCAP is based on a Single-step osteomyelitis treatment which, after debridement, implants a novel construct constituted by bone defect geometry adjusting scaffolds based on novel biomaterial and an antibiotic. The antibiotic is released in therapeutic dosages over an adequate period. After eliminating the infection, the construct is able to promote the recruitment, binding and proliferation of bone cells, resulting in increased new bone formation rate and reducing patient recovery time. This technology shows a differentiating character in a diverse range of applications, namely dental, veterinary surgery, and oncology.
Organization Type University / R&D institution / Accelerator,
Offer & Request

new therapy for osteomyelities

Offer- Competencies on model of osteomyelitis in animal model

Request- first round of investment to set up a spin-off and first in-human trial.

Cooperation Offered
  1. Technical co-operation
Cooperation Requested
  1. Investment/Financing